Join the Chamber

How can you become a BenCham Member?


1.    Corporate Membership

BenCham Corporate Membership is open to any company with a strong affiliation to the Benelux. The companies headquarter must be registered in one of the Benelux countries and the company must be duly registered in Mainland China. The company can also be registered in any other country but have subsidiary(ies) in the Benelux and Mainland China. 

The membership category is determined by the global operations of the organization (by revenue & employee size).


There are three different corporate membership categories:

Ø  Large Enterprise (LE): > 500 employees worldwide

Ø  Small- and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME): Between 10 and 500 employees worldwide

Ø  Micro SME and Start-Ups: < 10 employees worldwide


2.    Overseas Membership

BenCham Overseas Sponsorship is open to companies from Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg that are not duly registered in Mainland China but have an active interest in doing business in China.


3.    Individual Membership

BenCham's Individual Membership is open to citizens from one of the Benelux countries or to citizens that are working for a company with office(s) and subsidiary(ies) in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg.


4.    Student Membership

The student membership is open to individuals of any nationality currently enrolled in a university in Mainland China or in a member university in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The student membership is also open to students engaged in an internship with a (Benelux) company in Mainland China.

Membership Costs


*Applications will be judged on a case by case basis. BenCham keeps the right to refuse your Membership Application.


If your organization is interested to become a BenCham Member in Multiple Chapters (Beijing; Shanghai; Pearl River Delta), contact us at

Corporate Memberships

Corporate Membership

Large Enterprise Beijing
CNY 6600 / 12 months

Corporate Membership

SME Beijing
CNY 5200 / 12 months

Corporate Membership

Micro SME Beijing
CNY 3000 / 12 months

Corporate Membership

Overseas Sponsorship

CNY 5200 / 12 months

Corporate Membership

Large Enterprise MC (Beijing, Shanghai)
CNY 11000 / 12 months

Corporate Membership

Large Enterprise MC (Beijing, Pearl River Delta)
CNY 11000 / 12 months

Corporate Membership

SME MC (Beijing, Shanghai)
CNY 8800 / 12 months

Corporate Membership

SME MC (Beijing, Pearl River Delta)
CNY 8800 / 12 months

Corporate Membership

Large Enterprise AC (Beijing, Shanghai, Pearl River Delta)
CNY 14000 / 12 months

Corporate Membership

CNY 11000 / 12 months

Individual Memberships

Individual Membership

Individual Membership
CNY 1575 / 12 months

Individual Membership

Student Membership

The student membership is open to individuals of any nationality currently enrolled in a university in Mainland China or in a member university in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The student membership is also open to students engaged in an internship with a (Benelux) company in Mainland China.

CNY 525 / 12 months