Press Release: BenCham AGM & Board Election 2019

Beijing, China – May 24 | BenCham Chapter Beijing held its Annual General Meeting and Board Election at Hulu by TRD.


Pierre Eloy


During the opening of the AGM, a special thank you was extended to Pierre Eloy who has been involved on the BenCham Board for the past 6 years. Pierre Eloy: “I leave BenCham behind in capable hands of the newly elected Board of Directors and Chairman. BenCham is once again in a good position to grow further, expand membership and tackle challenges.” 


Ferry Rebergen


During the AGM, Ferry Rebergen – Project Manager at BenCham – presented this year’s  40+ activities and events, projects, membership development, as well as the media channels. We covered our lectures, seminars and webinars as well as BenCham’s signature social & business events such as the EU SME Seminars, Benelux Roadshow, Networking Activities, Gala Ball, and the newly launched series of Benelux-themed events.



Tom Hoogendijk


BenCham Beijing Chairman, Tom Hoogendijk, presented the identity and vision of BenCham for 2019-2020, to become the bridge between the Benelux and China through deepening the connections between Benelux businesses and Chinese organisations. Tom discussed how BenCham had been able to successfully open up to local Chinese co-operations with our participation in CIFTIS (China International Fair for Trade in Services), our upcoming EU delegation visit to CCPIT as well as our joint initiative with SINA Finance to organise a financial forum in Luxembourg.


Finally, the recently finalised Sino-Benelux Business Survey has been mentioned in combination with our Benelux Roadshow later this year. The results will be published shortly, however a few interesting findings are that a significant number of participants feel affected by the Trade War; whereas those in Consumer Services and IT & Telecom have the most optimistic expectations for the coming year.


If you’re interested in finding out more about the results of the Sino-Benelux Business Survey, sign up here for the survey’s launch event next week.


The existing Board of Directors and Treasurer was discharged before the election of the Board of Directors for 2019 - 2020 took place. BenCham is pleased to announce the new elected board: Stephane BERNARD (IEE), Antoine BRUNEEL (WAITEX), Li CHAO (Global Star Group),  Benjamin Claeys (QRzebra), Marc COLBACH (AMC Architecture & Interiors), Frederic DERBAUDRENGHIEN (KNG Asia), Meng GAO (Schwartz & Co), Tom HOOGENDIJK (Infront Asia Sports & Media), Jan HU (ING), Benoit MISONNE (IP Key), Gontran MULLIER (Flow Asia), Koen NABER (R&P Lawyers), Rob VAN HEMERT (Fokker Elmo), Grace SHI (Ecovis) and Marina WU (LUN Partners).


Congratulations to BenCham’s newly elected board!


We would like to thank everyone who attended the AGM for their support, and our main sponsor Sennheiser. Furthermore, we would like to give a special thank you to Hulu by TRB for such warm hospitality in hosting our event.