Start of the Belgian Presidency: an increasingly Greener and Younger Benelux

On 22 January 2018, Belgium took up the rotating presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Benelux Union. This year, the Benelux is celebrating its 60th anniversary and the 10th anniversary of its cooperation with the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Thomas Antoine, the Secretary General of the Benelux, unveiled the slogan for this anniversary year, namely “A greener and younger Benelux”.


Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Didier Reynders, announced that sustainable development and digitalisation will be the main themes of the Belgian presidency. Belgium will focus in particular on intelligent transport systems, e-governance, energy transition and the modernisation of the Benelux Police Cooperation Treaty. Minister Reynders emphasized the pioneering role of the Benelux and its potential to serve as a model for current and future regional integration: “The history of the Benelux and its tangible results for our citizens could be a source of inspiration for the European Union.”


Thomas Antoine, Secretary General of the Benelux, mentioned that the Benelux represents 60 years of experience, 60 years of hope and 60 years of trust and thus contributes to strengthening the European Union. In addition, he further explained the slogan for this anniversary year: “a greener and younger Benelux”. He referred to the joint approach with regard to environmental rules in the border areas, the granting of the Lean and Green awards to businesses who positively contribute to the environment and the start of a pilot project on the digitalisation of the waybill. In the margin of a younger Benelux, the Benelux Education Ministers have already approved the automatic recognition of the level of all secondary education diplomas within the Benelux countries. In addition, there are on-going efforts to promote cross-border mobility by simplifying the recognition procedures for professional qualifications. Finally, Thomas Antoine also mentioned that 2018 will also be devoted to strengthening its collaboration with France.


(Dutch) Start Belgisch Voorzitterschap van een steeds groenere en jongere Benelux
(French) Lancement de la présidence belge d’un Benelux toujours plus vert et plus jeune